Ore Sorting study service – using drill core samples

Evidence of ore/waste heterogeneity is masked by:

  • Common drill core sampling and analysis practices where analysis technology is setting limits to sample size/length thus averaging the ore grade on core length.

  • Common orebody modelling and mine planning practices involving geostatistics and block modelling which further tend to mask the heterogeneity of the ore. 

  • Customers are therefore often unaware of heterogeneity present within their orebodies which can be exploited to recover ore from waste or alternately reject waste from ore.

  • IMA Scanmobile ore sorting simulation quickly focuses on marginal blocks within a model, and unpacks the geological data to reveal and quantify previously unrecognized ore recovery or waste rejection potential in this material.

   Head grade increase (y-axis ppm) as a function of cut off limit (x-axis) when sorting

   Head grade increase (y-axis ppm) as a function of cut off limit (x-axis) when sorting


  • Unique method of studying ore sortability from drill cores

  • Identifying previously not recognized waste rock and deleterous elements on drill cores

  • Pinpointing accurately ore waste contacts

  • Revealing ore pre concentration potential

additional studies are provided by IMA Engineering.